February 10, 2008

FY 2008

I know I just posted today - but I thought I'd pass these on in case any of my 5 readers were interested.

I've been reading a bunch of different blogs about being frugal and fiscal responsibility. They have lots of topics and advice. I'm not sure why I'm more interested now than I used to be, but I think it's a good sign for me. Maybe because I'm making (slightly) more money now than I used to or I actually have something to save for (Ireland) or my student loans are looming like big skyscrapers. Either way, I'm trying to be more deliberate with the things I spend my money on. I went a bit off track over the holidays, mostly due to all the cool stuff I wanted to get for my family, but I've been getting back on track and paying off holiday bills. So now during my free time this week I'm going to track my spending for the past few months, work out a budget for now till Ireland that maximizes saving and paying down my credit card (christmas spending and spring book buying mostly...) and after the trip I'll re-examine again to see where the best place to put my money is, and also take stock of my "stuff" aka the things I've acquired which I really don't need - mostly books and dvds - to see where I can sell some of it.

Anyway, here's a few websites I lost myself in for the past few hours:

Wise Bread
Frugal Fag
The Frugal Law Student

Wise Bread probably has the most resources and most varied topics, so that's probably a good place to start if you're interested.

And in case anyone wanted some cool artwork for their living space, the Library of Congress just released a ton of historical photos, photos that have no copyright restrictions. So you can find a few you like, print them out from Target or Walgreens, frame them, and you have some original, historical, interesting artwork. They have lots of photos of women helping the war effort in the 40's - very, very awesome.

Another option is one I've kind of been doing for awhile but Kari really helped out with at Christmas - old calendars. My mom gives me a Dali calendar every year, so whenever a year is over I take the old calendar, cut it up and use the pictures to decorate around the house, fun notebook covers, whatever. Kari gave me a really cool, big, old calendar of Russian iconography, so I marked a couple of months that are especially neat looking. I'm going to hang those up over my couch and in my bathroom, make it look sweet. I'm trying to decide if I should just tape them up or try to find frames/mats/something. They're somewhat odd shaped so that might be harder to work around, but they'll look awesome in frames or mats. I might be able to find something for cheap at Goodwill - I'd rather tape them up than spend a lot of money on something that looks so-so. I'll post a picture once I figure it out.

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